
Tower Heist 2011 English Movie Free Download Torrent

Story: Working as a manager for a posh condominium in one of the prime locations of the Big Apple is perhaps the best job for Josh Kovacs ( Ben Stiller). Or so it seems, till he realises the owner Arthur Shaw is a man of loot. He not only seems to be robbing his people of what they have, but also what they've saved for the future. Mission for Josh: to get someone like Slide, Eddie Murphy, who can help restore what is lost...

Movie Review: Ironically more than the heist in this tower, it's the stopping all that heist that makes it worth a visit. What heist? Josh Kovacs works along with his team (including Casey Affleck) round the clock each day to impress their penthouse owner Arthur Shaw ( Alan Alda) -- also a dealer of priceless modern art. But then what they do not know is that the FBI is on the hunt because Shaw is looting his employees of their pension and investment plans. Now that they know it, obviously they've got to stop it. How? Kovacs recruits a team to break into the apartment and steal all his money. But what they find is much more that they can dream of -- Shaw's most prized possession, a bright red 1953 Ferrari, once owned by Steve McQueen. The daunting task of course is to get the priceless car out of the penthouse which has no door and no elevators. And that's when the tower turns into one of chaos and comic confusion, courtesy Slide.

If Eddie Murphy is the one who plans how to get that big red Ferrari out of the penthouse, rest assure there's enough for the funny bone in here. As Slide, he's someone quite familiar with crime sans the basic -- when you break into an apartment you don't talk too loud. Blame it on his petty street thefts. And that's the way he is -- a next door dude straight from the streets of Central Park who doesn't mind cussing quite often.
Watchable not so much for how they plan to get the car out of the building, especially as the Thanksgiving Day Parade passes directly below, as much for Eddie Murphy doing what he does best -- curse and make you laugh. 

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